Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Color Wednesday - Candy Apple Witch

This week's image is from Mo's Digital Pencil

Heather's Hobbie Haven - Color Wednesday - Candy Apple Witch

Outline: W1, W00, Colorless Blender
Ground: W1, W0
Skin: E11, E00
Lips: R35
Eye: B02
Hair: T9, T7, T5, T3
Hat Belt: W9, W7, W5
Hat/Coat: V17, V15, V04, V12
Scarf/Patches/Buckle on Hat: YG25, YG23, YG21
Dress: Y23
Stick: E49, E44, E42
Straw: E53
Ties: E44
Apple: R39, R37, R35
Carmel: E35, E33
Cat: W7, W5, W3 - R11

A video of the coloring for your viewing pleasure.

Come back Saturday to see the finished card.

Do you have an image you would like see be a Color Wednesday post?
Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Shirley N said...

OMGosh, how cute is this! Great coloring and video, TFS!