Hello There!
I hope you are having a wonderful week.
In today's online class I worked on Day 151 in the
So for today's page, I didn't really have a plan all planned out.
Do you ever have that happen?
You can hear all about it during the video.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Today's story is about being a cheerful giver.
We gathered in a circle to pray for the women who would be the recipients of the piles of donations collected.
We had all went to our closet and pulled out a few things from our overabundant supply.
Did we choose our favorite shirt, dress or handbag?
We grab something's that wouldn't be missed and quickly forgotten.
Were we being heroic?
Giving out of excess isn't the same as sacrificial giving.
Sacrifice is the act of surrendering something prized.
When it was my turn to pray, I spoke these words to the Lord.
"Forgive me for giving out of my abundance and then getting puffed up in arrogance about my good work. This act is not heroic. Refine me, Lord. Help me learn to give sacrificially".
Have you ever done something similar?
I know I have.
Today's story made me see things in a better light and to pray the prayer to do better.
If you are interested in watching me do this week's page
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I hope you are having a wonderful day!
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